Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate: Create SharePoint site template with multiple (classic experience) pages using PnP provisioning engine

Exporting additional pages besides the welcome page with Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate was always kind of a challenge.

With June 2019 Release (version 3.10.1906.0) the -IncludeAllClientSidePages parameter was introduced which will include all client-side pages in the template.

Unfortunately this functionality only covers modern experience so-called “Site Pages” but not classic experience “Web Part Pages”. Web Part Pages are still (as of August 2020 Release (version 3.24.2008.0)) only exported if they are set up as homepage for the site.

The following PowerShell script iterates through the Web Part Pages consecutively, sets them as homepage and exports them with Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate. Then it merges all generated templates to one template.

Additionally the script covers the following topics:

  • Reset navigation on target site before applying navigation from the template
  • Remove already existing views on target site before creating the new ones deployed with the template
  • Handle calculated columns bug (only with non-English sites): formulas have to reference displayname, not column title
# 30.7.2020, Stefan: based on
# modifications:
# - Process classic experience pages instead of modern clientside pages. Clientside pages now exported with -IncludeAllClientSidePages option of Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate
# - Reset navigation on target site before applying navigation from this template
# - Remove already existing views on target site before creating the new ones deployed with this template
# - Handle calculated columns bug (only with non english sites): formulas have to reference displayname, not column title

pushd (Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent)

$saveDir = (Resolve-path ".\")
$siteURL = Read-Host "Please enter URL of site to generate the template from"
$saveFile = Read-Host @'
Please enter file name for template without extension. ".xml" will be appended

$saveFile += ".xml"
Write-Host "Creating template $($saveDir.Path)\$saveFile"

Write-Host "Connecting to: $siteURL"

# Connect to site
# -UseWebLogin necessary for 2FA
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteURL -UseWebLogin 
Write-Host "Connected!"
$web = Get-PnPWeb
$sourceSite = $web.ServerRelativeUrl
# get all pages in the site pages library
$library = "SitePages"
$pages = Get-PnPListItem -List $library
# save current homepage
$currentHomePage = Get-PnPHomePage
$pagesList = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
$pageCount = 1
foreach($page in $pages){
	Write-Host ("Processing page " + $page.FieldValues["FileRef"] + " with ContentTypeId " + $page.FieldValues["ContentTypeId"])
    # process only file-objects with ContentTypeId <> "0x0101009D1CB255DA76424F860D91F20E6C4118". This is the content type for modern pages and these are covered by the -IncludeAllClientSidePages option of Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate
	if($page.FileSystemObjectType -eq "File" -and $page.FieldValues["ContentTypeId"].ToString().SubString(0,40) -ne "0x0101009D1CB255DA76424F860D91F20E6C4118") {
		$pagePath = $page.FieldValues["FileRef"]
	    $pageFile = $pagePath -replace $sourceSite, ""
		$pageTemplate = $pageFile -replace "/$library/","" -replace ".aspx",".xml"
	    $pagesList.Add($($pageTemplate -replace "./TemplateWithPages",""))	
		# set current page as home page because this will be exported with Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate
		Set-PnPHomePage -RootFolderRelativeUrl ($pagePath -replace ($sourceSite+"/"), "")
		Write-Host ("Saving page #" + $pageCount + " - " + $pageTemplate)
		if($pageCount -eq 1){
            # Generate provisioning site template for complete web in first iteration. -IncludeAllClientSidePages includes modern Site Pages in the template but NOT classic experience (web part) pages
			Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate -Out $($saveDir.Path + "\tmp\" + $pageTemplate) -IncludeAllClientSidePages -PersistBrandingFiles -Force
            # only process page artifacts in subsequent iterations
			Get-PnPProvisioningTemplate -Out $($saveDir.Path + "\tmp\" + $pageTemplate) -Handlers PageContents -Force
# apply default homepage
Set-PnPHomePage -RootFolderRelativeUrl $currentHomePage
# copy base template 
Copy-item -path ($saveDir.Path + "\tmp\" + $pagesList[0]) -destination ($saveDir.Path + "\" + $saveFile)
# open main xml
$mainFile = [xml][io.File]::ReadAllText($($saveDir.Path + "\" + $saveFile))
$pages = $mainFile.Provisioning.Templates.ProvisioningTemplate.Pages
# remove page elements to avoid duplicates 

# add page elements from per page provisioning templates
foreach($page in $pagesList){
	# open provisioning template for page
	$xmlContents = [xml][io.File]::ReadAllText($saveDir.Path + "\tmp\" + $page)
    foreach($node in $xmlContents.Provisioning.Templates.ProvisioningTemplate.Pages.Page)
		# copy nodes from page xml
        $importNode = $pages.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($node, $true);
        Write-Host ("Append node " + $node.Url + "to <pnp:Pages>");
        $pages.AppendChild($importNode) | Out-Null

# reset navigation on target site before applying navigation from this template
$globalNavigation = $mainFile.Provisioning.Templates.ProvisioningTemplate.Navigation.GlobalNavigation.StructuralNavigation
$currentNavigation = $mainFile.Provisioning.Templates.ProvisioningTemplate.Navigation.CurrentNavigation.StructuralNavigation

$globalNavigation.SetAttribute("RemoveExistingNodes", "true")
$currentNavigation.SetAttribute("RemoveExistingNodes", "true")

# set atribute "RemoveExistingViews" to "true" - already existing views on target site will be removed before creating the new ones deployed with this template
$nsmgr = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $mainFile.NameTable
$nodes = $mainFile.SelectNodes("//pnp:Views", $nsmgr)
foreach($node in $nodes) {
  $attrib = $node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("RemoveExistingViews")
  $attrib.Value = "true"

# calculated columns bug (only with non english sites): formula has to reference displayname, not column title
# has to be hardcoded for each calculated column
$calculatedColumn = $mainFile.SelectNodes('//Formula[text()="=Probability*Impact"]')
$calculatedColumn[0].InnerText = '=Wahrscheinlichkeit*Einfluss'

# save final tempate
$mainFile.Save($($saveDir.Path + "\" + $saveFile))
Write-Host "Created template $($saveDir.Path)\$saveFile"

Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"

Applying the template

The following script creates a new site and applies the selected provisioning template. It handles some smaller issues in the provisioning engine (see script comments).

$traceLogFile = Read-Host "Please enter full path to trace log file if you want to have a trace log to be created (optional)"
$provisioningTemplateFile = Read-Host "Please enter full path to the provisioning template file you want to apply to the new site"
$parentSiteURL = Read-Host "Please enter URL of parent site where a new sub site has to be created from the template"
$newSiteTitle = Read-Host "Please enter title for the new site to be created from the template"
$newSiteURL = Read-Host "Please enter URL for the new site to be created from the template"
$newSiteDescription = Read-Host "Please enter site description for the new site to be created from the template"
$newSiteLocale = Read-Host "Please enter locale for the new site to be created from the template"

if ($traceLogFile -ne '') {
    Set-PnPTraceLog -On -LogFile $traceLogFile -Level Debug

Connect-PnPOnline -Url $parentSiteURL  -UseWebLogin

# If chosing -Locale parameter with a value <> 1033 you might get following error for the default "documents"-library: 
# "Apply-PnPProvisioningTemplate : A list, survey, discussion board, or document library with the specified title already exists in this Web site.  Please choose another title
$web = New-PnpWeb -Title $newSiteTitle -Url $newSiteURL -Description $newSiteDescription -Locale $newSiteLocale -Template "STS#0" 

Connect-PnPOnline -Url "$parentSiteURL/$newSiteURL"  -UseWebLogin
Remove-PnPList -Force -Identity Dokumente # for -identity use title of documents-library in language according to locale provided in -Locale parameter 

Apply-PnPProvisioningTemplate -Web $web -Path $provisioningTemplateFile

Write-Host "Site $parentSiteURL/$newSiteURL created succesfully."
Write-Host "Template $provisioningTemplateFile applied succesfully."
Write-Host @'
If navigation is incomplete after provisioning this can be resolved by clicking "Refresh"-button on Site Settings -> Navigation

Set-PnPTraceLog -Off

Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"

Feel free to download the code from my GitHub repo.

Update March 21, 2021: I created a small web interface for the functionality described above. You may want to give it a try:

Web interface for the PnP Provisioning Engine

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