Web interface for the SharePoint PnP Provisioning Engine

As per lots of requests I implemented a small web interface for creating and applying PnP provisioning templates.
Using the web interface you can submit jobs for creating new PnP provisioning templates and for applying the same.

Transforming ApplicationInsights.config depending on build-configuration

Because I wanted to configure adaptive sampling only for my release-configuration in the production environment I wondered whether it is possible to transform ApplicationInsights.config similar to transforming web.config in Web-projects. Turned out that this can be achieved by using the XML-Document-Transform namespace, which is mapped to the xdt prefix. For each build-configuration I added an ApplicationInsights.<build-configuration>.config […]

Azure Webjob SDK 3.x with .NET Framework

Ever wondered whether Azure Webjob SDK 3.x also works with .NET Framework apps? Documentation is focusing on .NET Core and there is some confusion about this on github https://lnkd.in/dwGD-cf.I just tried it out and found it to work without problems with this Main-method in Program.cs: Application Insights is also working by simply adding the Nuget package and […]